Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Book of Nehemiah: Post 2 "Clock-in and clock...", I am reading periodically in Nehemiah and it has really blessed me. Let me preface everything I say with...I know nothing. Ok, got that out of the may God teach all of us something that will impact our lives and help us change the World around us.

There are several things that will happen to all of us when we are doing God's work.

1) Opposition will come.
In Nehemiah 4:1 we see that Sanballat was very angry because he found out that the Jews were rebuilding the wall. So, he started taunting them and making fun of them to their faces! Then another guy chimed in with, "That stone wall would collapse if even a fox walked along the top of it." So, needless to say, the Jews are receiving lots of abuse and their peers are really making them feel a ton of pressure.

This happens in our lives all the time, for example "What do you mean you don't drink?" or "You could go out with him/her and you aren't, what's your problem?!?" or You can't change anything, you aren't popular enough, etc... The list goes on and on in our lives, we get made fun of for doing what God has called us to do. My question is...HOW DO YOU REACT?

2) Our Reaction is Key to our Effectiveness
I love Nehemiah 4:6, this is what it says, "At last the wall was completed to half its height around the entire city, for the people had worked with enthusiasm!" After getting made fun of and mocked for doing God's work...THEY DID IT HARDER, FASTER, MORE DETERMINED THAN BEFORE! Peer pressure was NOT going to defeat these people...after all, they had a wall to rebuild! I am so encouraged by this passage...I cannot help but think how much of my life would be different and more effective if I reacted this way to opposition...what a testament to our great God and King for us to react with determination rather than defeat.

3) Being Overwhelmed does not mean you are headed in the wrong direction!

We have such a misconception of our God sometimes. We sometimes think that when we feel overwhelmed, we must be doing something wrong...the Jews felt all of their enemies oppressing them and felt that they would never finish the building. They were tired. But, did that mean that God's calling for them had changed? Did that ensure that they were headed in the wrong direction and should stop? Did it even mean that they were being disobedient? NO NO NO! Quick newsflash...God puts more on us that we can bear on our own all the time! BEING OVERWHELMED PROBABLY MEANS YOU ARE FOLLOWING GOD! When we feel overwhelmed as followers we must remember that in our flesh, is impossible, but with God all things are possible and if He says do it, I gotta do it. Period...end of discussion! We all have those "freak out" moments, especially when God calls us to do something that seems crazy...(like tell our classmates about Jesus, go on a mission trip, etc...) but we must do it! The great thing the end, we will find contentment because we were doing what God called us to do!

Lastly, understand that it is a sin to be careful when you feel overwhelmed that you understand that God is there and worrying is pointless.

4) Work, Work, can sleep when your dead!

Now, obviously I say that "tongue-in-cheek" but I must remember that I am always "on the clock" with God...I don't check out, workday is never over. I may suck at my job sometimes, but it is still my job...GO AND TELL.

In conclusion, be encouraged when opposition comes...and in response, WORK HARDER. We have to stop being defeated by our as the Jews did in Nehemiah 4...DO WORK.

Chase Culbertson

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