Thursday, March 31, 2011

What Is The Chill?

Let me start by saying that I will continue my Relationship Series after Spring Break! I have been overwhelmed by the response...thanks for reading it!!

The purpose of The Chill is to equip and motivate students to spread the Gospel to their school. As a student-led interdenominational group of believers, we strive to show the school a unified model of Christ’s love. In doing so, we will reach out to all students, from every background, with intentionality and zeal. Our mission is to make the name of Jesus famous involving students from every youth group in the area, with our weekly services being a celebration of what Christ has done in our lives. As a body of believers that have one purpose, we can change our school, here are some things we do...

Core Values:

Worship Christ with all of our hearts, both at school and in our daily walk.
Preach the Word of God every week.
Encourage and show God’s love to all students.
Love unconditionally.
Encourage involvement of all Christian students.
Strive for excellence in everything we do.
Have a service worth attending every week.
Reach out to all believers from every church.
See our school as our mission field.
Be an example to the believers at our schools in spirit and truth.

The Chill now exists at Wren, Lexington, TL Hanna and Westside.

Lastly...we want to become a non-profit group, so if you can help in anyway, let me know! Be praying for us as God continues to use us to reach our schools. Every school needs one teacher or administrator to be involved for it to work successful, so pray that God will burden teachers at schools in the area to get involved!

This is just the beginning...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Relationship: Post 1: Biggest Distraction Ever.

Hello All! Let me start by saying that this relationship series is going to be very transparent and you are going to learn some stuff about me that you probably didn't know. I am almost always opposed to high school dating and think that many high school kids take their eyes off of the Lord and put their eyes on a boy or girl.

Casual dating is not biblical...if you are dating just to date...that is stupid and a waste of a Christians time. But, if (even at 14 or 15) you are growing spiritually and you could see yourself marrying them someday (don't say it though) then go for it...I guess...kinda.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is "do I want to grow spiritually?" If no...then you are probably not a Christian and need to accept Christ. Ok...I'm going to go off-topic for a second here! I am blown away by the amount of students that talk about spiritual things sometimes, but talk about the most perverted things in the hallways. NO ONE but GOD knows your heart, but if you think you are going to heaven because you go to church, then you are badly mistaken...Am I a car because I go into my garage?? no...and you are not a Christian because you go to church. I am not perfect and have never claimed to be...but I know I am saved because I am convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit that lives in me...I am devastated by my flesh and when I stumble into a sin, I have complete unrest in my soul until I confess and repent that sin! Like I said before, only God knows your heart, but if you aren't bothered by your sin, you are probably not a Christian...but, let's assume you said 'Yes, I want to grow spiritually.' What's next??

For most high schoolers it takes very little time to know whether the relationship you are in is a distraction or not. I will now give a list of things that will help you know you are being counterproductive to what you want from a relationship...

Your relationship is distracting you from God if...

1) You do not feel comfortable talking about God together.
**This is HUGE!! If your first thought is "I can't open up spiritually to this person" it could be a good indicator that the relationship won't work. I have been there, I have tried to make a relationship work and we couldn't talk about spiritual things together, it just didn't work! We dated for months, then finally stopped trying to force something that was not God's will. Here is the bottom line, most of the times you are not comfortable talking about God with a bf/gf is because there is a sin that both are struggling with, many times physical...or sexual.

2) You do not talk about your spiritual life.
**You aren't uncomfortable, you just don't feel like talking about spiritual stuff...I mean, its their personal business, right?? WRONG! When you are in Christ, it is as much apart of your daily life than anything else you talk about your brother or sister with them, your teachers, your friends?? Of course you do...there is one that is greater than all of those combined, his name is JESUS and he is your FATHER...I would argue that a Christian cannot keep silent about what God has done! (Acts 4:20).

3) You can't keep your hands off of each other.
**Simply put...I have struggled with this with so many relationships in the past...I have ruined relationships because of this. DO NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE! This is my not touch them for a week and see how you feel about them, bet you can't do it.

4) You think about them more than you think about God.
**That's called AN IDOL. Throw it away and find someone that makes you think about GOD more, not them more.

5) You can't concentrate on a quiet time because they are on your mind.
**OH MY GOSH! I was so in love years ago (news flash, being in love and loving someone is two different things and if you follow that dirty whore you call a heart, you will get hurt a lot) I could not get this girl off of my was constant, it was also something that distracted me from Christ for YEARS...YEARS. If our goal is to fall more in love with Christ, then once we realize that a person is replacing God as number one in your life, its time to make a change.

6) You don't care about their spiritual well-being.
**Been here too...its sad, probably the worse state to be in for a Christian man in a relationship. I was so selfish that I did not care about her spiritual state, in other words, didn't care about her. I write this I am reminded of so many mistakes (praise God that I have been forgiven). If you do not care about their spiritual well-being, you surely do not love them.

7) They aren't a Christian!
**If you are dating a non-Christian and you want to grow spiritually, you are an idiot. If you want to become a non-effective Christian, date a non-Christian...I am not saying that this person doesn't think they are a Christian, they may...they may go to church...but they aren't living the Christian life that we all strive for as believers.

8) They are trying to get you to do things you think are wrong.
**I am not going into details here, but this could be anything that you have to be talked in to...or have been talked in to in the past.

9) Your time spent with God has been shortened.
**No devotional because of a text message conversation with your significant other?? That sucks...quit it.

10) God has told you to run from them!
When you KNOW God is calling you to run, run!! I have known that I needed to break up with a girl before, before anything was going badly, from the outside looking seemed to be going great, reading the Bible together, praying...really healthy looking...but I was being disobedient because I knew God wanted us to break up! It ended in some of the worst mistakes I have ever made, what looked good, ended terribly...GO WITH GOD! HE KNOWS YOU BETTER THAN YOU DO!

Ok...because I said this post was about things other than spiritual stuff, here are other ways that a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship can distract you in general...

1) You stopped caring about school work.

2) You become disrespectful to your parents (this is spiritual too).

3) You neglect to spend time with your family.

4) You stop spending time with friends.

5) You like someone else.

In conclusion, this is a long, long blog post...sorry! Post #2 is called You can't handle the truth, the break-up post! Students look at me and ask "why are you not married?" In short, it is not the end of my life if I am not married, if I never marry...JESUS IS ENOUGH! FOR NOW, FOREVER.

If you need me to pray for you or if you need clarification of something that was said...let me know!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Forever, For now...An Introduction (Revised)

First...I am so excited about this blog post series...I feel very led to do this series and hope that it helps some students realize how ridiculous they are. I have never seen a group of kids so consumed with being in relationships than this group of freshmen and during this series I plan on exposing the underlying reasons for many of their obsessions with being in a relationship. I will discuss several different issues. Here is the orders of the posts:

#1: "The Ultimate Distraction"
This post will talk about the distraction that high school relationships can be. I will discuss this idea from personal, emotional and spiritual (obviously) standpoint.

#2: "You can't handle the truth!"
This post will talk about how to break up with someone when you know you need to! Should be fun!

#3: "You are too ugly to get a girl."
This post will discuss insecurities that we all face and how they control our desires for a relationship, especially in high school.

#4: "I honestly (think) I love you!"
This post will discuss feelings that we all have had in our lives, it will be a transparent look into my high school past and what I have learned from being "in love." The heart is a just need to know that!

#5: Stuff your parents don't have the guts to say.
Hmm...this one is gonna get real.

#6: Stuff you don't want your parents to know about dating.
Relationships have changed so much, even since I was in high school 10 years ago and parents often are uninformed about what dating is now-a-days. So, my hopes are that through this post, parents will go "oh my gosh" and not "not my child." We shall see...

Second, I know SOME student relationships that are awesome! They are leveraging each other towards Christ, they do not distract each other from whats important, but actually helps each other in sanctification (becoming more like Christ). But, that is not the norm...they are the exception.

My hopes through this series is that a girl or guy realizes that they are stagnant in their faith because of the distraction of their not-so significant other!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Born for Battle: Week 2 @ THE CHILL

First of all...I have not blogged all school year...yep.

Second, I have been overwhelmed by the amount of compliments on the message this morning, I definitely feel like I did not get to complete it and kinda left things unsaid that I would have loved to get a chance to say! Basically, I feel like a punched everyone for 20 minutes and then said 'have a nice day.' But, point 5 was going to bring it all together and remind everyone of how awesome God is and how God wants to use us...but God has a plan and apparently today's message was what many people needed to hear.

Third, Like I said this morning, I am done playing games...I am going to invite people to The Chill. You may ask why...because I believe that The Chill is going to change lives and that ANYONE who comes to The Chill will grow spiritually.

Fourth, I will start blogging more often because I feel that God wants me to. are the notes I promised to put on here, the verses are not attached, but will give you an idea of where I got the things I wanted to say. Thanks for reading.

Born for Battle: Week 2 ‘The Battle for Joy’

There are many reasons why we as believers never experience true joy in our lives. We so often wait for the joy of the Lord to just appear and make us feel better, but it is something that must be worked for, fought for, sought after. There are five things that I believe plague many of us and strip us of the joy that God intends for us.

#1 We are waiting for a sign.
Acts 1:10-11

If the apostles would have just stared at what God had done they would have missed out on what God wanted to do through them. We cannot get caught up on Gods past work, but instead use it to fuel our present and future successes through obedience. Could you imagine if the apostles would have just kept standing and thinking about what Jesus did with each other, would they have found joy there? I argue that they would have found temporary astonishment at what Jesus did, but the joy of their lives comes in the chapters that followed. The ministry and hardships that followed brought joy.

#2 We are looking to the future
Matthew 6:25-34

When we look to the future, we miss the present which will strip us of joy in our present situation. God wants us to LIVE in joy, not live in the thought of a joyful future. Joy is past, future and present for those who are in Christ! Thinking about upcoming events may bring temporary excitement, but not joy. Seniors, it is time to decide on college and that is important, but it doesn’t mean you should stop focusing on high school. Senioritis is the Devil in disguise for many high school students, it makes you ineffective where God has placed you in the present time. This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with The Chill, this is just fact for our lives as followers of Christ in general. There is always a next event, next trip, next adventure, but the key word is NEXT, not NOW. Focus on the ‘now’ or the next will just become the ‘now’ of tomorrow, another wasted opportunity.

#3 We try to take credit
The moment we start claiming credit for what only God can do, we begin to lose the joy that only God can give. Our lives as believers will never be joyful if our joy is wrapped up in what we have done to make Jesus more famous in our lives. We must be joyful in the fact that Jesus is more famous, not our accomplishments. My youth pastor calls it ‘making much of me, making much of Jesus.’ If we continue to focus on what God has done through us and not what he has done in and for us, we will never have a full picture of the joy he brings. John Piper had this to say about joy in God, “Believing that joy in God is a gift of God will give all the glory to God” and “Because of this fallen, sinful, hardened, rebellious, futile, dead condition of our hearts, joy in God is impossible.”
Nehemiah 8:9-11
Psalm 71:23, 86:4, 92:4, 119:111, Psalm 126:2-6
Luke 10:21

#4 We do not understand Gods Love
Galatians 5:22
Philippians 2:2
Hebrews 12:2

For some of us, the reason we do not have joy in our lives is because we do not understand the depths of our Fathers love for us. Not only did Jesus die on a cross, but he left heaven to come to Earth for 33 years. He left perfection for us, left perfect peace for us, left his throne for us, looking outside of time, God chose a tough time in history to live, he didn’t come in 2011, with all of the modern things we have now, no airplanes and resorts…Jesus traveled by donkey and boats through deserts to tell us the truth. If we can grasp a little of how much God must love us to send His only son to this world to die for us, we can begin to the live in freedom and joy.

#5 We don’t know him.
1 Peter 1:8

For the majority of your school, they simply do not know our Savior, they have an idea of what they think God may be, but they really only know a messed up version. For many of them they believe a “All Grace, no wrath” God who is like a laid back parent who sees their disobedience and thinks it is not that big of a deal. Our lost friends will never experience true joy until they know the only One who can give true joy!

In conclusion, we are all sinners and separated from a holy God, but Jesus bridged the gap, when he died and rose again, defeating hell and death…if you believe that, then fight the battle of joy daily…Christ is right there.

I praise God for all of you...I am so encouraged by you all. As The Chill continues to grow and more schools start being reached with the Gospel, we will look with astonishment at what He does...I am going to go ahead and claim the victory in our schools in Jesus' name...Amen.

Chase Culbertson