Thursday, March 17, 2011

Forever, For now...An Introduction (Revised)

First...I am so excited about this blog post series...I feel very led to do this series and hope that it helps some students realize how ridiculous they are. I have never seen a group of kids so consumed with being in relationships than this group of freshmen and during this series I plan on exposing the underlying reasons for many of their obsessions with being in a relationship. I will discuss several different issues. Here is the orders of the posts:

#1: "The Ultimate Distraction"
This post will talk about the distraction that high school relationships can be. I will discuss this idea from personal, emotional and spiritual (obviously) standpoint.

#2: "You can't handle the truth!"
This post will talk about how to break up with someone when you know you need to! Should be fun!

#3: "You are too ugly to get a girl."
This post will discuss insecurities that we all face and how they control our desires for a relationship, especially in high school.

#4: "I honestly (think) I love you!"
This post will discuss feelings that we all have had in our lives, it will be a transparent look into my high school past and what I have learned from being "in love." The heart is a just need to know that!

#5: Stuff your parents don't have the guts to say.
Hmm...this one is gonna get real.

#6: Stuff you don't want your parents to know about dating.
Relationships have changed so much, even since I was in high school 10 years ago and parents often are uninformed about what dating is now-a-days. So, my hopes are that through this post, parents will go "oh my gosh" and not "not my child." We shall see...

Second, I know SOME student relationships that are awesome! They are leveraging each other towards Christ, they do not distract each other from whats important, but actually helps each other in sanctification (becoming more like Christ). But, that is not the norm...they are the exception.

My hopes through this series is that a girl or guy realizes that they are stagnant in their faith because of the distraction of their not-so significant other!

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