Friday, April 10, 2009

Two Months Til Peru!

First of all, I haven't been much for blogs...although, I have one somewhere that has been M.I.A. for several years. Anyway, I am going to try to keep this thing updated during my time in Peru this summer, but really want to write this blog so that my students, past and present may better understand why I do what I do and to talk about missions a little.

Yes...I am a teacher. I love teaching and love students. However, I want to make Jesus famous...that is my reason for existence. I was reading this afternoon in Acts and God really hit me with something that I want to throw out there and see if it sticks with anyone else.

In Acts 26, Paul is pleading his case in the town of Caesarea, in front of tons of people that have gathered to see King Agrippa. Paul speaks his defense, giving a recap of his journey of faith, his testimony if you will...he talks about the Damcasus Road experience and how he preached...first to Jerusalem, then throughout Judea, then to all the gentiles...This was covered at NewSpring Church, in a different passage just a couple of weeks ago, but I want to reiterate it...

This is how our life should be as followers of Christ, like Paul stated...

Jerusalem: Your Hometown.
**If you aren't reaching out where you are, then that's a starts there. **
Students at TLH, are you reaching your hometown?

Judea: The Surrounding Area
Many times as we grow in our faith we find ourselves going on little short-term local mission opportunities where we may go a couple of hours away and share the Gospel. This is an important step, but its not the final thing...people are called to preach the Gospel to ALL nations.

To all Gentiles: The World
The World...the whole world, every people, every tribe, every tongue...students, friends, CAN make a difference...may it start at your workplace, classroom, class, lunchroom, and continue to the ends of this earth...I will Go...will you?

Second...As Paul continues by beginning to preach about what he believes, Festus, the local governor stops him and shouted, "Paul you are insane, Too much study has made you crazy." (Acts 26:24 NLT) Paul replies with such boldness and confidence in Christ, "I am not insane, Most excellent Festus. What I am saying is the sober truth. And King Agrippa knows about these things. I speak boldly, for I am sure these events are all familiar to him, for they were not done in a corner! King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know you do-" (What an example of the type of boldness we should have in Christ, Paul was speaking up to a KING about his Savior, with confidence) Agrippa interrputed him. Do you think you can persuade me to become a Christian so quickly? Paul replied, Whether quickly or not, I pray to God that both YOU and EVERYONE here in this audience might become the same as I am, except for these chains" (Acts: 26:25-29).

So in conclusion, I pray that YOU and EVERYONE at TLH and the world will become followers of the only true God. This is why I teach, this is why I will spend my summer in Peru...what is God calling you to do for Him?...I don't know what it is, but I do know that God wants us to have the confidence and boldness that Paul showed to King Agrippa.

Please pray for us as we work for our King throughout the summer. I am leaving in two months and I am trying to stay focused on the work God has placed before my pray for me, please. Updates will follow...Christ will be made known. :)

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