Saturday, July 11, 2009

My B-Day and Beyond.

My birthday was yesterday and it was a great day! I miss my family and would have loved to spend the day with them and many of the amazing people doing mission work in this area. We left for Ayaviri around 11 and got there for lunch, where I got Roasted Chicken and French Fries with several people from the soccer team. The food was pretty good, then we went to an internet place, then as I was walking towards the market by myself, Jourdan from Ayaviri team saw me and we walked around the market for a while. After that, I got a chance to hang out with Jared. I then followed the Ayaviri Team to their English class in the municipal building, and had way too much fun goofing off during that. After that, we all went to eat Chinese food, there were about 20 of us, although a lot of them went to other places to eat and met us there for my b-day. The Ayaviri Team bought a cake for me and we went back to the hotel to eat the cake. Then, I finally talked some of them to go to "da club" with me, but it was sketchy, so we went back to the hotel. Then, we (well, all the girls on the soccer team, Ayaviri Team, and Orurillo Team, Jared, and Myself) watched "Just Friends" it was a good movie and a nice way to end my b-day.

I am so thankful for so many amazing people that cared about me enough to celebrate with me. God has truly blessed me with some giants in the Faith.

I am reading Relevation in my Quiet Time, but soon I am hoping to read something that doesn't confuse the heck out of me! Just saying!

We have had some luck here in Orurillo with bible studies, but with us leaving town from the 16th through 20th, we need to get these people to meet without us!

Here is our schedule for the rest of the summer:
11th-14th: Work here in Orurillo
15th: Ayaviri Team is coming to visit!
16th: Juliaca to take beth to the airport
16th-18th: Barnabus Team work in Chupa
18th-20th: Going to Puno and Lake Titicaca with Chupa Team, Ayaviri Team, and Orurillo Team.
20th-29th: Who knows.
30th: Fly back to Lima
31st-August 1st: Final Debriefing
August 2nd: Home.

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