Monday, June 15, 2009

Open the Door.

God hit me with something this morning that I felt I should share. I woke up around 7 o'clock here, 8 back home...and since the bathroom at the hostel is downstairs and outside, I made the trek down to brush my teeth and use the facilities. As soon as I opened the door to my room, a spider dropped right in front of me...a big spider. So, I promptly killed it and continued on my way. A couple steps further and I saw one of the dogs that lives here at our hostel/home shivering in front of my room. I felt so bad for the little dog, so I tried to get her to come into my room, which is a little warmer, but she wouldn't move. So I went down and used the restroom and headed back up to my room, the dog would still not move.

You are probably asking, how did God hit you with here it goes...

The Spider: I could have been paralyzed by fear and went back into the room, but I had to go to the bathroom. If I let that spider keep me from going to the bathroom, I would have missed an opportunity to help something in need! I would have been so consumed with my circumstances that I wouldn't have even noticed the burden right outside my door!

The Dog: It's true, the dog would not move. But in a spiritual sense, it is not our job to make people in need move. Yes, your friend or loved one needs a savior, but you cannot make them move. The dog would have found warmth and I would have wrapped her up in some of my clothes until she stopped shivering, but she refused.

Who are the dog and spiders in your life? Are you fearful? Are you discouraged by the refusal to move?

All I know is that God still calls us to live without fear and to create opportunities for others to come inside and find the warmth of God.

Chase Culbertson


  1. My Beloved Son,
    You continue to bless me with your words of wisdom. And to come from someone who is still so young makes it even more incredible.You touch so many lives just by being you.
    Go with God.

  2. Great post Chase. Awaiting the next one. :)
